MURAL TIP #22 | How to Fix Common Mural Mishaps

In mural painting, no matter how meticulously you planned for the design, no matter the effort you put into the painting process, sometimes things just don’t go your way. Even as a professional mural artist, a few errors are quite inevitable. Cue in: rain, paint that doesn’t agree with the wall, big spills, etc!

The last thing we want is to put all our efforts into waste and redo the entire mural. So, here are some common mistakes in mural painting and how to fix these little “whoops!”

By the way, I have a full mural course HERE if you’re interested in all the info you need to get paid painting murals.

Dripping, wrinkling, or blistering paint

This happens when paint is applied too thick and creates running lines.

Most of the time, temperature and humidity plays a part in making wrinkling or blistering or even bubbling appearance as it dries the outer surface faster than the underneath layer.

How to fix: 

- Scrape the imperfection using a paint scraper.

- Use sandpaper to smooth any bumps

- Clean and wipe away dust

- Prime the area

- Touch up. Make sure the paint is blended properly before applying.


Brush or roller marks

This can be the result of low quality paint brushes or rollers, not maintaining a wet edge while painting, or applying too much or too little paint. TIP: you might think applying a thick layer of paint makes the project go faster. Avoid doing that! Thin layers will dry correctly and evenly.

How to fix: 

- Sand the area until smooth

- Clean and wipe away dust

- Prime the area

- Repaint the area while maintaining a wet edge


Stuck Painter’s Tape

Sometimes when left on for too long, the paint comes off with the painter’s tape. Do not leave the tape for too long or at least take it off within the day. I occasionally take the tape off when the paint is still wet, if that’s an option.

How to fix: 

- Carefully cut off the tape and any raised paint with a blade or utility knife.

- Sand the area until smooth

- Clean and wipe away dust

- Touch up/repaint


Uneven Paint Coverage

Having uneven coverage and patchy areas are common in mural painting and are pretty easy to fix.

How to fix: 

- Wait until the first coat of paint dries

- Simply add another coat until your desired result.


Carpet or floor drips

Before you relax and fully admire your finished mural, check for paint splatters first! Especially if it’s an indoor mural; painting can be messy and sometimes you can’t avoid visible splotch of paint on the carpet or floor. ALWAYS cover the surface you’re working on, even if it’s a quick project.

 How to fix: 

- If the floor is tiled, paint doesn’t usually cling to it so you can scrape it off when it dries

- For carpet splatters, you can use hot water with dish soap on the affected area and let it sit for a few hours. Once the paint softens, you can now scrape or rub it off. Consider buying a carpet cleaner to make sure it’s fully gone.

I guarantee there will be more ‘epic fails’ along the way, but these are the most common and are easy to remedy.

It is important to keep your focus and don’t beat yourself up if you make a few mistakes. Just remember that when you get more experience in mural painting, you’ll get better and better.

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MURAL TIP #23 | 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Painting a Mural


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